TerraCare Sponsorship

TerraCare seeks to link donors to families and communities in southern Laos who need clean water filters. Your donation provides filters to families who do not have access to clean drinking water. By supporting TerraCare, you are helping families to live healthier, more productive lives with clean drinking water. 

CLEAN DRINKING WATER….what does that mean? It means wellness, better health, smarter kids, better prospects. If you don’t have clean drinking water, it means diarrhea, sluggish minds, illness, lost work opportunities, even death. In Laos, families who have clean drinking water have better education, more income, more time and resources, and renewed health….even the survival of the family. The poorest families are those who still use open-water sources (rivers and streams) for drinking water. They are the families who spend precious energy resources collecting firewood to boil water. They are the families whose lives revolve around the success of family subsistence farms. You can help move these families out of dire poverty with clean drinking water!


TerraClear is a cooperative project of Service Fraternel D'Entraide (www.sfe-laos.org) and TerraCare Production (www.terraclear.org) in Pakse, Southern Laos.