delivering intelligent compassion to people in complex situations

713.961.5645 M-F, 9am-5pm CST




To be a great promoter of commerce as a viable strategy for poverty reduction and improvement of livelihoods in rural communities through agricultural development and small scale industrialization.


To add value and create market linkages for small scale farmers, training in Conservation Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Entrepreneurship.


The Problem:

Historically, Tanzanians have struggled to send their own people to impact the under-developed areas of Tanzania, especially the coast – one of the most marginalized and impoverished areas of Tanzania. There are few Tanzanians financially able to live in such conditions and, of those who do, they have struggled to secure a quality education for their children in these locations. Kilimo Timilifu practically addresses the above issues that have contributed to these coastal areas remaining largely under-developed.

The Plan:

According to African Economic Outlook (Sep-2013) 75% of all Tanzanians are involved in farming, which provides for approximately 27.7% of Tanzania’s GDP.  Tanzania’s coastal people are predominantly subsistent farmers. Tanzanian village law allows Tanzanians to request available lands to farm freely. Despite available land, the southern coast remains one of the most impoverished areas of Tanzania. Kilimo Timilifu is implementing a holistic approach to farming whereby the farmer recognizes that a personal relationship with the Creator of soil and seed is vital to successful harvest from the soil and of the hearts of men. KT works in community and trains on site up to twelve Tanzanian Intern families per year from various locations in Tanzania.

The Internship incorporates training in Conservation Agriculture (CA), Appropriate Technology, Farming Cooperatives, Biblical principles of life and cross-cultural training skills. Additionally, KT trains these Tanzanian families in homeschooling skills so they can supplement their children’s local school education in order to ensure that they receive a quality education wherever they serve. KT interns live in the surrounding community and apply immediately what they are learning. Upon completion of the internship, these interns be certified as KT Conservation Agriculture Trainers. The interns are empowered to provide for themselves and enter these traditionally difficult coastal areas with a role that can bridge traditional barriers, combat poverty and create opportunities to effectively empower others. The result is neighbor-loving Tanzanians living self-supported as they use their skill as CA farmers and trainers to impact the community around them wherever they end up living.

KT’s goal is to develop its own sustainable CA farm to support KT thereafter. KT expatriate staff are working towards replacing themselves with qualified Tanzanians so that soon KT’s permanent staff will be entirely Tanzanian.

The Scope:

KT works with like-minded African organizations to empower Tanzanians to develop Tanzania. KT trains Tanzanians to be successful cross-cultural workers and self-supporting CA farmers and trainers. After successfully completing the one-year KT internship program, these Tanzanians receive a certificate as Conservation Agricultural Trainers and are well-equipped to live in these under-developed areas with the goal of pouring out their life to empower their fellow Tanzanians.