Ongoing neonatal resuscitation training
Through your support through MRDS, Sarah has been able to purchase supplies (like this mannequin) and provide more realistic trainings in different hospitals. Sarah and her team continue ongoing trainings in her home hospital as new staff rotate through. The new algorithm she put together and had translated has been approved for use nationwide as the nation’s standard for delivery room resuscitation.

Attending International educational conferences with Mongolian doctors
Sarah recently was able to fund a scholarship for travel for a Mongolian colleague. They attended a conference on Neonatal hemodynamics and point of care ultrasound in Dubai. It was a great experience for Sarah’s colleague, but also helped her realize how far behind Mongolia is (while the world is moving quickly ahead). She struggled with understanding the presentations (her English is the best among the pediatric and neonatal doctors and nurses). It has challenged others to improve their language skills so they can attend in the future. Sarah attended a low resource neonatology conference in Tanzania; though she invited some Mongolians, none were able to come due to the distance and time involved; additionally language is a huge barrier. In the future, Sarah is helping Mongolian doctors submit abstracts to large international academic/research conferences, and they will need support for travel expenses if their abstracts are accepted. She also is applying to present our hospital’s research, hoping to shine a light on the needs in Mongolia.

Future projects
Sarah works as a consultant/educator in their NICU. They’ve had a lot of equipment donated that has advanced our level of care. They also have several possible projects in the works, including bubble CPAP, NeoPuff, temperature regulation, infection control, delayed cord clamping, kangaroo mother care, and many more.